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Like we said in the Q & A…
UMAi Dry® is not a vacuum bag, and is significantly more oxygen permeable. Ensure that you have the meat resting meat side down, fat cap up on the open wire rack. If you have not achieved a perfect vacuum, particularly if you have some small amount of air in the corners of the bag or in the divots when the bones have been cut from a ribeye, for instance, never fear. You will have good, consistent dry aging results with only 70 to 80% of the meat surface bonded.
However, if you notice within the first day or two that more than 25 to 30% of the meat has not maintained contact with the UMAi Dry® material, you should repeat the application with the vacuum sealer, ensuring the surface of the meat is moist to achieve the bond.
Now in your case you do already have a good amount of air trapped in there! I would cut a hole and massage the air out and if need be insert a straw or tubing and suck out the rest. seal that hole with a piece of good sealing tape.