The Original Dry Bag Steak | Make Artisan Dry Age Steak at Home › Forums › Dry Aging Steak › Dry Aging Steak with UMAi Dry® › VacMouseketeers POST HERE!!!! › Re:VacMouseketeers POST HERE!!!!
28 days later, the ribeye was removed, the bag held the seal well, once trimmed the steaks looked great. Cooked exactly the same method to medium rare as the unaged a month ago that were cut from this same primal. Now maybe too much time had gone by, but the memories of the steaks 28 days ago were better than these. These were great steaks, but did the 28 days really improve them to make up for the time, effort and cost?
Anyways, onto the next test of the VacMouse, this time a sirlon. Sealed the bag at an angle and cut away the extra corner material leaving an opening as wide as the vacMouse. Put the vacMouse in place, set the V3880 foodsaver to Pulse vac mode and triggered the switch by wiggling the bag in the opening. Then pausing the vacum a few times worked all the air out of the corners and got a great seal. Double sealed just to make sure and off to the drying rack.