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Take pepperoni which is the ideal fermenting temp & r/h 86* f and 90% r/h. A green weight loss is needed at 60* f and 70% r/h.
Compaired to some salami which needs 55-60* f and 75% r/h.
With using the UMAi salumi bags i have found that you still need the correct temp for fermenting but the r/h is not needed.
Now as for the cheese are you talking about making cheese? Or cold smoking cheese.
The USA is one of the few countries which refrigerates our cheese. I have had smoked waxed cheese left on the counter at room temp for 2 years, If the wax gets a crack just brush on some new wax over the crack. A natural hog hair cheese wax brush is highly recommended.
of course I agree with everything you said Jan…LOL. Fermentation obvious. not cold smoking. Considering R/H not a factor for cured meats using UMAI dry bags I was considering trying them on cheeses that require high R/H. Although temp might be important for proper bacteria growth. I just buy might buy an additional refrigerator to control temps.