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We are sorry that you are disappointed, and do care a great deal about our customers’ success and satisfaction. If you have, indeed, contacted us, you were surely offered support and a refund.
Over 30,000 customers over the past ten years have been delighted with the results they can achieve with UMAi Dry®. We would like to help you be one of them.
There is nothing bogus about UMAi Dry®, but it is possible that the learning curve is a steep for some, and failure is a possibility it you are looking for instant satisfaction.
It is important that instructions are read and followed, videos watched, Customer Support contacted, a Forum used to help you master this relatively simple process.
It is unfortunate that you will not have 30-day dry aged meat for your block party. However, if you were trying to dry age in a refrigerator that is in a garage, your refrigerator is the problem, not UMAi Dry®.
Check out these videos that explain why garage fridges are not a good idea–and will absolutely cause exactly the rotten meat you describe:
Thanks to your lesson, we will do a better job of informing customers why garage fridges are not a suitable place to dry age with UMAi Dry®.
We hope that others will not have to experience the same disappointment by disregarding our recommendation against dry aging in a garbage fridge.
If a kid is told to lock his bike, and he doesn’t… and it gets stolen… he still feels disappointed, but he knows he must make a better decision with the next bike, right?
UMAi Dry® Customer Support