The Original Dry Bag Steak | Make Artisan Dry Age Steak at Home › Forums › Dry Aging Steak › Dry Aging Steak with UMAi Dry® › Anyone use these? › Humidity levels and DrybagSteak dry aging
In traditional dry aging, humidity levels are a critical consideration. You may need to monitor, provide extra air flow and, possibly either materials like this to dry or pans of water to dampen the environment. However, tests have shown that with DrybagSteak aging, the protective membrane that the DrybagSteak material provides allows for effective release of moisture and absence of concern about mold growth. Most critical to creating an optimal dry aging environment is a frost free refrigerator with excellent air flow and placing your DrybagSteak bonded piece of meat on an open rack in a location in the fridge where it will have the very best flow of air around the entire surface, top, bottom, sides. The biggest problems actually come when folks use the old beer fridge or the dorm fridge because they simply do not have good air flow. Also, ironically enough, the family fridge that gets opened and closed may create a “better” environment because it is always triggering the fan and refrigeration, cooling and circulating the air more frequently. You will have good results with good air flow and proper storage temperatures for perishables–32 to 36 degrees. No additional equipment or fuss is really necessary. Honest!