The Original Dry Bag Steak | Make Artisan Dry Age Steak at Home › Forums › Dry Aging Steak › General Dry Aging Steak Questions › Risks of Home Dry Aging › Re:Risks of Home Dry Aging
You are correct on all counts:
1) There are no studies that we have seen comparing home dry aging with gold standard dry aging.
2) A home fridge does have the potential widely ranging temperature fluctuations.
3) We have no data to share with you comparing the surface microbacterial environment of dry aging meat with and without temperature fluctuations.
4) And, yes, dangerous pathogens may indeed be without scent. We are simply sharing the advice we were offered by the meat scientists when we asked, “How would someone at home know if the meat is spoiled?”
We are sorry we do not have the research that you seek comparing various styles of home dry aging with model commercial dry aging, but hope that this response provides some answers.
What we offer is a product that, when applied as directed, has been demonstrated to protect the surface of the meat from environmental contamination, and avoid creating an anaerobic environment within the sealed environment (in which the most lethal of pathogens can develop).
With any dry aging, it is essential to bear in mind the following best practices:
1) Optimal temperatures consistently do not range outside of 32-38 degrees.
2) 100% of the surface of the meat exposed to air within the refrigerated environment.
3) Excellent air flow is maintained in a modern, frost free refrigerator.
4) Only whole muscle meat is used, never punctured, rolled or handled in any way that will introduce additional bacteria to the surface or interior of the meat before applying UMAi DrybagSteak.
5) Post dry aging trim is thorough and not consumed.
6) Cooking of the meat is done as indicated by public health guidelines–the surface is exposed to high heat and the internal temperature reaches 165 degrees Fahrenheit.
Dry aging at home can be done with minimal risk if all these guidelines are followed. UMAi DrybagSteak allows you to accomplish this in a clean, sealed environment.