The Original Dry Bag Steak | Make Artisan Dry Age Steak at Home › Forums › Dry Aging Steak › Dry Aging Steak with UMAi Dry® › Bag came loose – Mold? › Re:Bag came loose – Mold?
Jason wrote:
I had stood the loin on end, cut open the cryovac, drained off some fluid (could have/should have done more), stood it back on end, rolled the edges of the cryovac bag down some, then started sliding the drybag (partially rolled up itself) down the exposed part of the loin. Then I rotated 180 degrees so the drybag was on bottom (with lots of fluid making the journey as well, slid the cryovac the rest of the way off and unrolled the drybag the rest of the way up the exposed loin. Didn’t rinse the meat.
I was all “gloved up” and trying to avoid letting the meat come into contact with anything. I was successful in that regard, but moved too much fluid and honestly could have used another set of hands to balance things. Didn’t really want to even touch the meat after touching the outside of the cryovac because there’s no telling what all it has been exposed to in its journey. In that, I was not successful. I was going to make it a two person job next time. Taking it too far?
I read word for word what you did and that basically is the same method I use with possibly one or two slightly different ways. First I slit the cryovac and allow the liquids to drain “as much as possible” by flipping it over a time or two. The other thing – and I believe it’s the same way you are doing it – is I fold at least half of the Drybag back so the “inside is temporarily” on the outside, but I’m careful to not touch it if possible and then only with a gloved hand.
Otherwise I thought your write up was perfect!