The Original Dry Bag Steak | Make Artisan Dry Age Steak at Home › Forums › Dry Aging Steak › Dry Aging Steak with UMAi Dry® › First Attempt, Prime Rib Eye FINISHED! › Re:First Attempt, Prime Rib Eye
April 4, 2012 at 2:38 pm
Ron Pratt
IMHO even a trimmed steak will smell a bit earthy unlike a freshly bloomed steak from the grocery store. Keep it mind your aged meat will have lost approximately 20% of the water content, so it will make for a more concentrated smell. You might like to know that when some commercial units dry age in bulk with the raw meat sitting on shelves they keep the moisture higher and some sub-primals do form mold on the exterior. At least by using a Drybag you won’t encounter that!