The Original Dry Bag Steak | Make Artisan Dry Age Steak at Home › Forums › Dry Aging Steak › Dry Aging Steak with UMAi Dry® › Top Sirloin -vs- Ribeye :: help design the test! › Re:Top Sirloin -vs- Ribeye :: help design the test!
OK – first the quick joke: “If wishes were horses we’d all eat steak.” That’s a line from the not-so-well known show “Firefly” or perhaps the spinoff movie “Serenity”
Now the serious bit — Ron, that’s a terrific idea. Really, it is. It might be hard to put into practice, but it’d sure make for a fairer test. It’d basically mean buying half a cow, which I don’t have room for at the moment.
However, it happens that we know a farming family, and I will take this up with them at first opportunity. But they don’t butcher often, and they will almost certainly have some practical repercussions to go along with providing said sub-primals. Such as probably buying the rest of that side of the animal.
And that’s a problem because I’ve already got 70 lbs of duck stored in other people’s freezers – they’d offer the space for beef but we’re in a “no room at the inn” situation. I really need to start eating more duck, pronto.
I’ll talk with the farming family, and ask them what they think.
In other news- we’ve got the youth turkey hunt this weekend in WI. Anybody want to discuss a possible experiment with dry-aging wild turkey? Anyone? Anyone???
:unsure: I hope everyone has a good weekend!