The Original Dry Bag Steak | Make Artisan Dry Age Steak at Home › Forums › Dry Aging Steak › Dry Aging Steak with UMAi Dry® › After a few days it looks like the tightness of the bag on one side looks loose › After a few days it looks like the tightness of the bag on one side looks loose
I would say there is air in the bags, not a crazy amount I could take more pictures if you can help me, just don’t want to lose a possible great piece of meat you know? As I said before though there is some air I wouldn’t say an extreme amount but a notice able amount. During the seal process I didn’t get fully all the air out, but after 24 hours the side that didn’t have the best contact compared to all the other sides basically lost all the contact with the bag and that’s what I’m basically stating, the bones never had much contact either because the bag wouldnt stick to it, but that side in the picture has some air but I can manually put the bag and stick it to the meat with no interference of air it just doesn’t stay on the meat. I see you help a lot of people and if you say it could be because if a whole you can guarantee I’m cutting that roast into steaks tonight, but if the air amount is permissible I would love to leave it till October 12. Thanks again Ron looking forward to your reply