The Original Dry Bag Steak | Make Artisan Dry Age Steak at Home › Forums › Dry Aging Steak › Dry Aging Steak with UMAi Dry® › VacMouseketeers POST HERE!!!! › Re:VacMouseketeers POST HERE!!!!
First my vacuum sealer is not a channel style, but a nozzle type. It is a Tilla and is identical to the VacUpack. The same as the one here: It is a great vacuum sealer, but It would not pull air out of the dry bag without the mouse. It does not have a nozzle extension. The mouse worked great.
Well, I have done something a bit different. I cured some pork and now I am making pancetta. Normally after curing you would hang it for two to three weeks, but I don’t have the best situation for that. In steps the dry bag. I sealed it first to make the opening about the size of the mouse. I am not sure I even needed to do that, but it worked. I did just like any other meat and popped it in the refrigerator on a rack to allow air flow. I am turning daily. In a couple of weeks I will see how it all turns out.