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badwolf wrote:
45 days is the weekend of 5/5. Now, I will be out of town that weekend. Would having people over to eat the steaks the following weekend, 14th, be too long of an aging?
Is there such thing?
Should I steak up this puppy the day before i leave and freeze?
There are many factors at work here.
First, and totally separate from drybagging, is the question of freezing. Many people say that freezing beef, no matter how fast (dry ice, for example) ruptures cells and so-on, and the cooked product leaks juice all over the plate and doesn’t grill well, etc, etc. I don’t know enough about the issue to get involved in the argument, but if you are serious about beef you should consider the discussion.
Secondly — for one week of overtime I’d rather let it drybag for one week rather than freeze it for one week. If you’ve got the correct equipment and the temperament to vac-seal your steaks and leave them in the fridge for a week I’d recommend that. But if you plan to put them on ice — I’d let them dry-bag for that week.
Third — you’ve settled on an aging of 45 days. That’s a long time. I tend to age about 30 days. It’s none of my business, but think about why you wanted to go 45 days instead of 30. Are you fulfilling that goal? Good!