The Original Dry Bag Steak | Make Artisan Dry Age Steak at Home › Forums › Recipes › Other Recipes › Hot tubbing steaks (definition thereof) › Re:Hot tubbing steaks (definition thereof)
sounds good! Sometimes I prefer sauces to augment beef rather than spices. On the other hand I normally like my steaks to shine with their own aged flavor, except for the must have salt. Even if I hot tub sometimes I will remove the thawed steaks from the Food Saver bag and at least 4 hours before grilling time I hit them rather well with coarse kosher salt and then place them in a plastic bag and return to the refrig. I learned this trick from Cooks Illustrated…during that 4 hours the salt extracts the moisture in the meat and then melts the salt and returns it deep back into the beef. They caution to be sure to allow the 4 hours and not shorter as the method will backfire. Ron