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Just going by experimentation and studys by people more advanced than myself. I think the key word is ageing.
executive SummAry
Prepared for the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association’s Center for Research & Knowledge Management
Jeff W. Savell, Ph.D.
Regents Professor and
E.M. “Manny” Rosenthal Chairholder, Texas A&M University
The greatest reason for dry aging beef is to further enhance its flavor and to impart the flavor notes that are generally associated with this product. Flavor is a difficult attribute to study because it requires very specifically trained panelists to evaluate the complexity of the positive and negative notes that may occur in meat in general and dry- aged beef in particular.
Campbell et al. (2001) conducted one of the most extensive studies to date on the effect of dry aging on beef flavor. They evaluated Certified Angus Beef® brand striploins and shortloins that were first vacuum packaged to simulate initial packaging and shipping conditions (7 or 14 days), followed by various times of dry aging (0, 7, 14 or 21 days) before vacuum packaging, storage (0, 2, 9 or 16 days) and steak cutting. A number of sensory traits were evaluated including two very specific
flavor intensities important to the dry aging consumer:
overall aged-beef flavor intensity – defined
as a full, blended and sustained, cooked beef flavor that has few dominating individual flavor notes and creates a smooth, balanced impression
brown/roasted flavor intensity – defined as a round, full, dark, caramelized aromatic generally associated with beef that has been cooked with dry heat.
The authors found that with at least 14 days of dry aging, aged flavor and brown- roasted flavor increased significantly compared to those cuts dry aged for fewer days or that were not dry aged at all. They also found that aged flavor peaked at 9 days of vacuum storage after the dry aging period and actually declined when stored at 16 days, indicating that some benefits of dry aging were reversed slightly with this additional vacuum storage period.