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FYI on Bactoferm agents.
Bactoferm™ LHP – Fast: 5.0 pH drop in 2 days) LHP is a freeze-dried culture well suited for all fermented sausages where extra fast acidification is desired. This culture is recommended for the production of fermented, dry sausages with a pronounced sourly flavor note needing about 3 weeks or less to complete.. Each 42-gram packet of LHP will do 500 pounds (225 kilo) of meat. You can use half of the packet in 100 pounds of meat, and refreeze remaining culture. Use at least 1/4 of the packet in any production under 100 pounds of meat.
Bactoferm™ F-RM-52 – Medium: 5.0 pH in 4 days) F-RM-52 is a freeze-dried culture well suited for all fermented sausages where a relatively fast acidification is desired. The culture is recommended for the production of North European types of fermented, dry sausages with a sourly flavor note. Each 25-gram packet of Bactoferm™ F-RM-52 will do 220 pounds (100 kilo) of meat. You can use the whole packet in 100 pounds of meat or use half of the packet and refreeze remaining culture.
Bactoferm™ T-SPX – Slow – Assists with drying a month or more) Also: Semi Dry Cured T-SPX is a freeze-dried culture well suited for all fermented sausages where a relatively mild acidification is desired. T-SPX is particularly recommended for the production of Southern European type of sausages, low in acidity with an aromatic flavor. The culture is suitable for molded as well as smoked fermented sausages. (Semi Dry Cured) Each 25-gram packet of Bactoferm™ T-SPX will do 440 pounds (200 kilo) of meat. You can use the whole packet in 100 pounds of meat or use half of the packet and refreeze remaining culture. Use ¼ of a packet in any production under 50 pounds of meat.
Bactoferm™ F-LC – Fast, extra fast or slow – Fermentation time is temperature dependent – With added Listeria protection F-LC meat culture with bioprotective properties for production of fermented sausages with fast or slow production times. F-LC is recommended for the production of all types of fermented sausages. Depending on fermentation temperature, acidification is slow, fast or extra fast. Can be used for slow, traditional fermentation when environment is near 80F and will also rapidly acidify in high fermentation (US Style) temperatures of near 115 F. F-LC is a mixed culture containing Pediococcus acidilactici, Lactobacillus curvatus and Staphylococcus xylosus. P. acidilactici ensures reliable acidification whereas S. xylosus results in strong flavor development and a good, stable color. Due to bacteriocin production both L. curvatus and P. acidilactici contribute to suppressing growth of Listeria monocytogenes. Each 25-gram packet of Bactoferm™ F-LC will treat 220 pounds (100 kilo) of meat. You can use the whole packet in 100 pounds of meat or use half of the packet and refreeze remaining culture. Use ¼ of a packet in any production under 50 pounds of meat.
Mold 600 Bactoferm – Previously M-EK-4) Meat culture for production of molded dried sausages wi2h a white/cream colored appearance. Mold-600 is a single strain culture containing spores of Penicillium nalgiovense in a convenient freeze-dried form. P. nalgiovense is a fast growing, traditional white mold culture for controlling the surface flora. Mold-600 is particularly recommended for the production of traditional sausages dried at low temperature and/or low humidity. Mold-600 suppresses the growth of undesirable organisms such as indigenous molds, yeasts and bacteria. The culture has a positive effect on the drying process by preventing the emergence of a dry rim. Furthermore, the mold degrades lactic acid during maturation resulting in a pH increase and a less sourish flavor. One pouch of freeze-dried culture is mixed into 1-2 liters of tap water atapproximately 20°C (68°F) and equilibrated for 2 hours at room temperature. The suspension is diluted in 10 liters of tap water and is then ready for use. The mold is inoculated after the stuffing (and eventually acclimatization process),