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Hello, Rocky, and Welcome!
All of our videos are simply demonstrations of experiments we are making with UMAi Dry®. We try various recipes and methods, so you will find these types of seeming inconsistencies. The more recipes we read and experts we watch, the more we learn how variable the process can be.
In the case of the bresaola, we wanted to achieve more even drying and a deeper flavor with our second experiment. We tried not rinsing to get the flavor and aging longer to achieve the evenness of drying. We also were more careful to cut the meat to the shape we wanted the finished product prior to curing that we had been in our first test.
On all counts, we got what we had hoped. Both recipes yielded delicious bresaola aging in UMAi Dry®, but had some subtle differences based upon the changes we made to our practices.
We offer our viewers these demos just to show some of the various ways we are learning the arts of charcuterie and salumi. We hope it helps.
Please share your experiences as well.
aka Thea