The Original Dry Bag Steak | Make Artisan Dry Age Steak at Home › Forums › Dry Aging Steak › Dry Aging Steak with UMAi Dry® › mortadella › mortadella
Jan and everyone
Hopefully this link get you a picture of my mortadella. Of course mine is the darker picture. I had purchased some Boars Head Mortadella and laid a piece next to it. I put pink salt in mine, so the darker color is likely from that. And I probably cured to to long 8 hours for one log and 24 hours for the others. I didn’t have time to cook it for three hours. I had a much larger batch than I thought. The texture was not as emulsified as Boars head, but hey, I don’t even have a grinder. I had the butcher do it and obviously not as find. I used pistachios and I don’t think Boars Head did at least not what I bought. The taste was similar, though mine had a more distinct flavor or more intense. The pliability was a little firmer, but again Boars Head likely didn’t cure theirs. Thanks for all the help. I used a UMAi bag to cook the mortadella in, but could probably have gotten by without a bag, because the dry steak bag started adhering but once in the water cut loose. Certainly was using it for a purpose not intended for the bag, just saying that. This is my first sausage of any sort. So lots of learning for me. I started with 7 lbs of meat, so you can say I am full of bologna.