The Original Dry Bag Steak | Make Artisan Dry Age Steak at Home › Forums › UMAi Dry® Sealing › Sealing Questions › Actual shelf life of dry age bags › Actual shelf life of dry age bags
I’m just the moderator here, but I’m also one of their older long time customers, so let me put my experienced customer hat on OK?
I personally have used UMAI bags which are older than 2 years old and never had trouble. I have never stored them in direct sunlight nor near heat which may make a difference – were yours?
The fact you said you have used the bags before but had air issues then as well, suggests to me that it could be either your sealear or method. The bag does not have to have a perfect seal to work right. In fact you don’t even need to use a vacuum sealer! You can place the meat in a bag, grip the top after squeezing out air and then insert a drinking straw or tube and suck out the air and quickly seal the bag with a bread twisty. If I were you I would determine the best corner with enough excess bag and then make a tiny slit, insert a straw or tube and suck out the air you are concerned about and then seal it with a twisty. Even if you don’t want to trust me on this then unless you have huge air pockets then don’t worry about it!