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December 13, 2014 at 9:06 pm
Ron Pratt
quote LS1M” post=6222:
OK good advice. How critical is the temperature, then? I may need to get a good thermometer to make sure it’s in the right temperature range – any recommendations in that regard? I don’t trust the little Walmart ones.
Mark, like stated in our Help & How To Section:
Temperature requirements for dry aging: Dry age at temperature between 34-38F. Typical household refrigerators and restaurant coolers are designed to protect food items like fruits, vegetables, fish and meats from spoilage without freezing them. Please make sure that your refrigerator maintains temperature between 34-38 F to ensure proper aging and prevent spoilage. Ensure that the UMAi Dry® material is in contact with the beef and there are no air pockets inside the bag.