The Original Dry Bag Steak | Make Artisan Dry Age Steak at Home › Forums › Dry Aging Steak › Dry Aging Steak with UMAi Dry® › Bone in Ribeye? or Boneless? › Bone in Ribeye? or Boneless?
Welcome aboard, Russell. Before you choose bonnie what are your plans on how you are going to “steak out” the meat? Do you have a bone saw or will your butcher cut it after you have aged it?
With a bone in you are going to run the risk of the bone puncturing the UMAi Dry bag. There’s a couple way to prevent that, but personally the easiest is to cut a strip out of the cryovac bag your meat came in – assuming you bought it that way – if not and you bought it from a butcher shop then cut a piece from the thin foam container. Place this or that over the pointed edges of the bone. Needless to say boneless means less hassle. You might want to read this thread and pay attention to the reply made by Jim about the bag not adhering to the bone side.
As for length of time to age suit yourself, but with a chunk-o-cow that big I personally wouldn’t go any shorter than 35 days and 45 days would be better. Ron