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So after a few days things have settled down and become more consistent. The humidity hovers between 50-55% (ambient is 50% /w dehumidifier in basement) and the temperature is hovering between 35-38F. There is a really thick layer of frost build up on the freezer compartment from all the moisture, however no moisture build up and where else in the fridge. I may have to scrape some of that off throughout the aging process. Overall, the meat is turning a nice deep red and the mini-fridge is keeping up. I can definitely tell that the frost build up on the freezer unit is causing the fridge to work harder, longer cycle times, and warmer temperatures. I’ve had to turn the fridge up once so it wouldn’t go over 40F, so the humidity/frost is definitely an impact. No humidity spikes and good safe temperatures so I’m still hopeful for a good end result.