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1. Once in the fridge to cure for 3-4 weeks, what is the target weightloss?
35 -40%
2. The appearance of my sucuk qas rather pale when being stuffed into the casings. Is this a bad sign or can it be narrowed down to aspects such as the cut of meat/ fat ratio or minor differences in ingredients?
Probably the meat, should not be a problem, Pics always help.
3. Lastly, I used accidently 3grams of instacure instead of 2.5g. I also may have been slightly off on the 1/8 tsp for the bactoferm, will this be a major issue or a wait and see approach?
Not a problem on either , I would strongly suggest using a minimum of 1 gram culture to ensure a viable amount.
Huge difference in taste not using cayenne, will be bland